Friday, June 02, 2006

Natural History and British Musuem

I'm really into Dinosaurs now. I'm not quite sure why, but I've lost interest in music, books and instead, spend alot of time researching Dinosaurs. They are really interesting. Anyway, where does one indulge their Dinsosaur habit in London Town?

At the Natural History Musuem of course. It's a really cool musuem. It was set up by a fellow named uh something or other, but it's because of him that musuems are so accessible. Before he set this one up, musuems were designed purely for intellectuals and uppercrust gentry. He fought to make musuems accessible for us commoners, pioneering things like explanation plaques and the result is this charming place.

These little tykes. They had pictures of Godzilla plastered all over the walls of their bedroom.

Most models and celebrities like to be photographed with the light directed from below. It reduces the impact of double chins, unslightly bags under the eyes and generally enhances one's appearance.

This guys was somehow able to repel pigeons with his mere presence!

The main hall.

I like this statue. It makes sense if you turn your head ninety degrees to the left too.

Also went to the British musuem. I spent ages taking photos of this bunch of school kids, trying to get that effect where they all look like ghosts as they run around.

A bunch of pillars just chilling out between tourists.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics. Email me! Lena

Saturday, June 03, 2006  

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