So anyway, I decided a couple of weeks ago to go on a round the world trip...
Since then, I've quit my job, told my family, booked a ticket, bought a camera and a whole host of other niggly little things.
I'm leaving Sydney on the 11th of Jan and flying into Argentina to meet a bunch of friends. From there, I'll travel overland, via Uraguay, to Brazil and spend Carnivale in a little place called Salvador. Apparently is a much better place than Rio for Carnivale, cheaper, less commercial and more fun. After that, I'll be on my own, heading down to Peru, to see Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca and then down to La Paz in Bolvia.
From then on, I'm not really sure what's happening, but I've booked a ticket to London where I'll try find a job and travel around Europe.
After that, I've got a ticket to Spain, Egypt and back to London. Then, as a grand finale, I'll touch down in India and South Korea before making my way back to Sydney...
Yeah, I'm pretty excited. Mildly apprehensive, it feels a bit like jumping off into the ether, but I figure I just have to trust that things will turn out well. It'll be an adventure in any case.