Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gawd damn it hurt.

I got a tattoo on Copacabana beach. I went to this tattoo parlour last time I was in Rio, called Helio. Its suppose to be the best tattoo joint in the area, Ronaldo got one here.

I wanted a Koi, or a Carp. Apparently the Koi swims up waterfalls or something, when it needs to breed, so for Japanese people, it represents perservence, and bravery. And apparently, when you catch a Koi, and are about to kill it, it doesn't squirm like a lesser fish would, but it takes it like a man, uh, or manly fish or something. Anyway, its all good.

Most people who get Kois get them in the traditional wood carving style. But I wanted mine to look like it had been painted on my foot with a brush.

Working out the final details.

In progress.

It really, really, really, really, really, really hurt. The foot is the most painful part of the body, because its all bones.


I also updated the last page, CHECK IT OUT. Its from the favela tour.

favela tour!

Finally got to do the Favela tour. I've been wanting to do this since the last time that I was in Rio. They take you to Rocinda, which is the largest Favela in Rio. It´s pretty much the wild west out here. Cops don't go in. I saw a guy with a machine gun and grenades. GRENADES. Other guys are perpetually posted at entry and exit points with these big flare shooting devices to warn the drug dealers, incase the authorities try and storm the place. Each Favela does about 3 to 6 million a month in drug trafficking. All in all, they have a pretty bad rep.
Favelas are generally on the mountain side, so the tour took us to the bottom of the mountain, and we caught a motortaxi up to the top. Motortaxis being certified lunatics riding motor bikes at stupid speeds up winding roads while dodging trucks...
Anyway, the tour was seriously amazing. Definately a highlight for me. Its truly a different world there. It is like a rabbit warren, paths everywhere. Noone pays for electricity there, they just rip it off the nearest power cord.
In the favela though, things are not what you imagine. The people are so friendly! and the kids! they love having photos taken, sometimes it was hard to get around, because little kids would grab you and beg you to take their photo...

If there was an asian in here, it would be a benneton ad...

These were the cutest little girls.

This is a wall they call the "wall of death" (or murder or something). Its where the drug dealers shoot people. The hole in the middle is a bullet hole. ADA stands for Amigos do Amigos, which Friends for Friends.

About a week before I went on the tour, some guys from the Favelas stole some heavy duty machine guns for the army! Understandably, the army wasn't so happy, so they sent their troops in. And the drug dealers tried to stop them. So all over the news, you would see pictures of favela dwellers standing on top of their buildings, branishing their machine guns.... which makes this pic kinda scary in a way.

Its not all drug dealers though. There are alot of people who hold steady, even good jobs and live in the favela because its cheaper.

There is fricking machine gun graffitti on the wall.

East Coast Brazil

Ok, so after Carnivale, decided to relax for a while. On a series of some of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil...
I went to Ittacare, which is a cool place that isn´t in the lonely planet. Ended up doing a private capoeria lesson on the beach! I also wanted to learn to surf (sick of being the only Australian that doesn´t surf), but ended up getting a body board and uh, pretty much just splashing around.
Then, down to Porto Seguro, which I liked. Compared to the other beach towns that I visited this one was not very touristy. Also smashed Arriel De Juda and Trancoso.

Fresh fruit on the beach!